Healthy Skin Tips For Women

Our faces are often one of the biggest ways we can express ourselves out in the world, and for many women, that means ensuring healthy, glowing skin. Especially if you feel youthful in your mind, you might find that you want your face to reflect your inner feelings!

While having wrinkle-free skin for life is probably not realistic or necessary, it is important to take care of your skin starting at a young age in order to maintain the health and physical appearance of your skin.

You might already know about how to determine your skin type and begin a routine based on keeping your skin healthy, but there are still more things for you to learn! From mitigating environmental harm to choosing a quality skincare product, here are some additional tips for protecting your skin.

Is Women’s Skincare Different From Men’s?

While skincare for everyone is foundationally very similar, there are some typical differences in skin care for men vs women.


Everyone has to consider these basic factors when making choices about how to care for their unique skin:

No matter who you are, these are the axes around which your skincare routine is developed.

The NHS recommends that people of all genders follow the same basic principles for healthy skin, which include cleaning with a gentle cleanser, moisturising, and wearing SPF 30 or greater.

The end goal is to have robust, smooth skin that is not dry or oily, has even colouration, is free of most acne, is protected from cancer-causing UV rays, and feels good!

Women’s Skincare

Of course, each person varies individually, but generally, women’s skin tends to be thinner with smaller pores and less oily than men’s. These differences are caused by hormones, where testosterone encourages thicker, rougher skin and causes thicker hair (like beards, moustaches, and body hair) to grow.

Because of this, skin care products for women tend to be gentler than men’s, since more concentrated ingredients may cause more irritation in thinner skin.

So, what ingredients are typically the best for women’s skin?


The most nourishing and helpful ingredients, in general, in skincare products are:

  • Vitamin B3 (Niacinimide)

  • Hyaluronic acid (found in aloe vera)

  • Salicylic acid (found in willow bark extract)

  • Vitamin E (found in many nut and seed oils)

  • Glycolic acid (found in sugar)

  • Vitamin C (in citrus and pumpkin extract)

  • Witch hazel

  • Green tea extract

  • Shea butter

  • Coffee grounds

These ingredients are nourishing, help encourage cell turnover and growth, and provide moisture for a strong skin barrier.

Label Literacy - How To Understand A Product Label

There are hundreds if not thousands of different chemicals being marketed towards women as safe and effective skincare. The sad reality is that some of these chemicals are more harsh and hazardous than advertised.

It’s important to note that everything in the world is technically a chemical; it has a chemical make-up. Water is the chemical H2O. Salt is the chemical NaCl. And so on. So, any product that advertises as “chemical-free” is, frankly, lying!

There are chemicals that are good for your skin, like vitamin E (C29H50O2), and chemicals that are bad for the skin, like chlorine bleach (ClNaO). But, both are chemicals.

Since chemistry is intricate and confusing, and some things can go by many names (for example, DEP is diethyl phthalate, which is also known as neantine, peilatinol A, and solvanol), companies expect you to be left unawares when they’ve snuck in something less-than-idea into their products.

In this example, DEP is an approved chemical type known as a phthalate, and many other phthalate chemicals have already been found to be harmful. So, shouldn’t you be able to make the decision whether to put it on your skin or not? Even though DEP is currently listed as safe, there are some active concerns about long-term exposure. And, if you use a face cream twice a day for 30 years which contains a little bit of this chemical, that’s exactly what you have: long-term exposure.

This is not to scare you, just to make you aware that some chemicals are beneficial for the body and some are harmful (or have the potential to be harmful). And, it's always better to look for products that contain straightforward ingredients and obtain the majority of ingredients from natural sources whenever possible.

There are multitudes of apps and websites available that can shed light on the chemical safety of a product or ingredient, although it takes more work on your part as the consumer to do the research on your own.

Keeping your skin healthy and happy can be a lifelong adventure, and while it may be intimidating at times, it’s also rewarding since you can see the results of your diligence right on your body!


Maintain Glowing & Healthy Skin As You Age


Tips For Healthy Skin For Men