How To Reduce Skin Damage

Skin damage is sometimes unavoidable, inevitable because our skin is like every other part of the body. Dermatologists believe that our skin starts ageing at 25. Most of us don’t notice these minor changes, but fine lines start appearing as we age. 

Therefore, it is essential that we begin having a skincare routine at a very young age, so we can minimise any potential damage that can happen either with age or due to pollution. 

Sun Damage On Your Skin

Sun damage can have a significant impact on your skin, and the amount of damage can depend on various factors, such as the intensity and duration of sun exposure, skin type, and use of sunscreen or protective clothing.

The sun's rays are responsible for approximately 90% of the external appearance of our skin, as reported by the Skin Cancer Foundation

Unprotected skin exposed to UV light can cause DNA changes, leading to premature ageing and skin cancer. The majority of UVB radiation is absorbed by the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, visible blood vessels, and rough skin. 

While some sun damage is irreversible, board-certified dermatologists frequently use various treatments to address different ageing signs.

Leading Causes For Skin Damage

Skin damage can happen to both men and women, the reasons why they happen can depend on lifestyle and skincare habits. According to Dermatologists, the leading cause of skin damage for both men and women comes from constant sun exposure.

Whether it’s from outdoor work or activities, from sitting near a sunny window in an office, or using a tanning bed, UV exposure can happen to anyone.

Wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen is absolutely essential to prevent sun damage, if you notice any worrying signs of skin damage, visit your dermatologist immediately.

According to the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, the leading causes of skin damage include:

  • Sun exposure: Overexposure to the sun's harmful UV rays can cause sunburn, premature ageing, and skin cancer.

  • Smoking: Smoking damages collagen and elastin in the skin, which can cause wrinkles and make the skin look older.

  • Alcohol: Alcohol dehydrates the skin and can cause redness, puffiness, and fine lines.

  • Pollution: Air pollution can cause inflammation and damage to the skin, leading to premature ageing and other skin problems.

  • Poor diet: A diet lacking essential nutrients can lead to dry, dull skin and other skin problems.

  • Stress: Chronic stress can cause inflammation and damage to the skin, leading to premature ageing and other skin problems.

  • Lack of sleep: Lack of sleep can cause the skin to look dull and tired, and can also lead to the formation of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

  • Harsh skincare products: Using skincare products that are too harsh or contain irritants can damage the skin, causing dryness, redness, and other problems.

  • Scrubbing too hard: Scrubbing the skin too hard can cause irritation and damage to the skin, leading to redness, dryness, and other problems.

  • Ageing: As we age, the skin loses elasticity and becomes thinner, making it more prone to damage from the sun and other environmental factors.

    Skin damage can manifest in a variety of ways, such as dryness, flaking, itching, redness, and inflammation. Taking care of your skin is essential, sometimes your lifestyle can also cause skin damage, and factors such as lack of proper exercise, constant exposure to blue light, harsh skincare products, and hot water showers can damage your skin on a daily basis as well.

Timeline Of Skin Damage According to Dermatologists

The timeline of skin damage can vary depending on individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposures. It is natural that your skin will get damaged as you age, so it is important to take preventive measures from the start to mitigate damage as much as possible and extend the health of your skin.

Early intervention can help to slow or even reverse the signs of skin damage, while advanced damage may require more intensive treatments such as laser therapy or cosmetic surgery.

However, dermatologists generally categorize the progression of skin damage into three stages:

Early damage: In the first stage of skin damage, the skin may appear dull or dry, and fine lines and wrinkles may start to appear. This is often caused by sun damage and can occur as early as the late twenties or early thirties.

Moderate damage: In the second stage, skin damage becomes more noticeable and may include deeper wrinkles, age spots, and uneven skin tone. This can occur in the forties and fifties and may be caused by continued sun exposure, smoking, and other environmental factors.

Advanced damage: In the third and final stage of skin damage, the skin may appear thin, saggy, and discolored, with deep wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of advanced ageing. This can occur in the sixties and beyond and is often caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Simple Steps To Avoid Skin Damage

Preventing skin damage is essential to maintain healthy and youthful-looking skin. Here are some tips on how to prevent skin damage:

  • Protect yourself from the sun: Exposure to UV radiation from the sun is a major cause of skin damage. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, wear protective clothing, and seek shade during peak sun hours.

  • Quit smoking: Smoking can accelerate skin ageing and cause wrinkles, fine lines, and a dull complexion.

  • Hydrate yourself: Drinking plenty of water can keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

  • Healthy and balanced diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can provide essential nutrients that promote skin health. Fruits and veggies can help you keep your skin healthy and young.

  • Avoid harsh skincare products: Harsh soaps and skincare products can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, irritation, and damage. Use gentle, fragrance-free products and avoid over-washing.

  • Stress management: Stress can trigger inflammation in the body, which can lead to skin damage. Try to manage stress through exercise, meditation, or other relaxation techniques.

  • Sleep: Lack of sleep can cause dark circles, fine lines, and a dull complexion. Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep per night to give your skin time to repair and regenerate.

Skincare is essential for everyone; men, women, and everyone else, too! if you want young, glowing skin it is vital that you understand your skin type and focus on treating it with products that rejuvenate it. 

How Can Clean Skin Products Reduce Sun Damage?

Clean Skin products are made out of natural ingredients that can help your skin get the essential nutrients it requires to remain healthy and glowing.

The natural ingredients can help you exfoliate your skin and encourage a natural, glowing texture. All our products are ethically sourced and contained in environmentally-friendly, recyclable jars and packages.

Our various scrubs can be used to provide the right kind of exfoliation you’re looking for. Sugar provides glycolic acid for a more gentle physical and chemical exfoliation. Coffee is a strong physical exfoliant and can help reduce inflammation due to the caffeine and chlorogenic acids. Sea salt and walnut shell powder help improve circulation and cell turnover.

Our gentle cream scrub combines moisturising ingredients with mild exfoliate apricot seed powder and pumice to get rid of impurities and encourage cell turnover while nourishing with ingredients like aloe, chamomile, and jojoba at the same time.

The scrubs can be your tool to wash off the air pollutants of the day, and they also encourage skin cell turnover. This means old, damaged cells (like ones affected by UV rays) are removed faster, allowing new, healthy cells to regenerate faster as well. The nourishing ingredients found in every product work to provide things like vitamin E, hyaulorinic acid, AHAs and BHAs, and linoleic acid which protect the skin while it grows back healthier.

All our products are designed with the best skin health in mind.


Maintain Glowing & Healthy Skin As You Age