How To Reduce Skin Damage
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Reduce Skin Damage

Skin damage is sometimes unavoidable, inevitable because our skin is like every other part of the body. Dermatologists believe that our skin starts ageing at 25. Most of us don’t notice these minor changes, but fine lines start appearing as we age. 

Therefore, it is essential that we begin having a skincare routine at a very young age, so we can minimise any potential damage that can happen either with age or due to pollution. 

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How To Choose An SPF Product For Oily Skin
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Choose An SPF Product For Oily Skin

The sunscreen industry has really stepped up its game in the past few years, leading to the development of specialized SPF skincare for any skin type!

If you have oily skin, finding the right product that will both provide protection from harmful UV rays and keep your skin looking satiny instead of greasy is important.

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How To Choose An SPF Product For Dry Skin
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Choose An SPF Product For Dry Skin

Dealing with dry skin can make it difficult to choose skincare products that work well. When dealing with SPF, it’s important to get an effective product that doesn’t make dry skin worse and feels comfortable on the skin (so that you’ll actually want to use it every day!).

Thankfully, there are many different formulas of SPF products out there to choose from these days. You should be able to find a product that works for you with ease as long as you know what ingredients and qualities you’re looking for.

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The Best SPF Products For Your Skin Type
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

The Best SPF Products For Your Skin Type

Using SPF in your daily skincare routine is the best way to protect your skin from irreversible damage. Even if you aren’t spending the day in the sun, you are likely still getting sun exposure. Think about it: you have natural light coming in through your windows at home or in the car, and if you walk outside for even a few moments you are directly exposed to the sun.

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Don’t Let Acne Problems Stop You From Wearing SPF
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

Don’t Let Acne Problems Stop You From Wearing SPF

Sun protection is one of the most important things you need to provide for your skin. On a daily basis, we should all be applying sun-protective lotion to avoid irreparable damage from the sun’s rays.

The issue you might find, if you have acne-prone skin, is that many products that contain SPF also cause acne breakouts. Finding the balance between a safe and effective product, and one that doesn’t cause skin problems to flare up is possible!

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How To Choose the Right Sunscreen: NHS Guidelines
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Choose the Right Sunscreen: NHS Guidelines

Summer is soon going to be at its peak, and although it's recommended to use sunscreen every day, it becomes even more crucial during this season due to longer days, stronger sunlight, and more opportunities to spend time outside.

One of the most forgotten skincare habits is also the most important one to follow on a day-to-day basis. Sun is necessary for vitamin D but going out without sunscreen can damage your skin a lot more than we can think of.

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Healing Hyperpigmentation On The Face And Body
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

Healing Hyperpigmentation On The Face And Body

Dark spots, or hyperpigmentation, are a common skin problem faced by a huge amount of the population. It’s not a condition or disease, it’s simply a term that is used to describe skin that is darker than normal for that specific person.

While it is indeed normal and widespread, and not usually anything to worry about medically, it can be annoying and even affect your self-esteem. Wanting to rid yourself of hyperpigmentation doesn’t mean you don’t love yourself or the way you look, it simply means you want to change your aesthetics to match what you want to put out into the world!

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Skin Care For Normal Skin Type
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

Skin Care For Normal Skin Type

Although hands down the luckiest and most desirable of all skin types, having normal skin doesn’t mean you should neglect your skincare routine!

Even the healthiest of skin can begin to decline if not maintained. While normal skin requires a less particular regimen, using the correct products for this skin type is still necessary to retain optimal skin health.

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How To Care For Acne Prone Skin
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Care For Acne Prone Skin

Acne - especially body acne - can happen in conjunction with any skin type. As you might guess, it’s most common with oily skin.

But acne can also show up with dry skin, sensitive skin, or even normal skin! Acne is a common occurrence in human skin (and even many animals). But, just because it’s common doesn’t mean that it’s wanted.

Thankfully there are many methods and products available to help treat acne-prone skin on both the face and body.

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How To Get Naturally Glowing Skin: Diet Tips for Great Skin
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Get Naturally Glowing Skin: Diet Tips for Great Skin

Everyone desires to have naturally glowing skin, but very few realise that in order to get the best skin you have to maintain a consistent, natural skin care routine.

Skin care routine isn't always about the products you use, it is also about understanding the texture and the type of your skin and providing them with the most ideal materials for long-lasting results.

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How To Get Clear Skin- Ultimate Checklist For Your Skin
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Get Clear Skin- Ultimate Checklist For Your Skin

Searching for ways of having “clear skin” is among the most confusing things to do, as there are many websites on Google that offer different routines and skin care tips for having glowing, healthy skin, but not all of them are going to help you get better skin. If you don’t have tips from legitimate sources, you might do more harm than good for your skin.

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