Body Scrubs Vs Body Lotion: Which One Will Nourish Skin Better
Scrubs Aishwarya Viswanath Scrubs Aishwarya Viswanath

Body Scrubs Vs Body Lotion: Which One Will Nourish Skin Better

Body scrubs: Known for exfoliating away dead skin, dirt, oils, and other residues.

Body lotion: Known for moisturising and creating a protective barrier on the skin.

It’s comparing apples and oranges, right? Well, yes, sort of.

These two types of products perform very differently, however since everyone’s skin behaves differently, you might be surprised to learn which product will benefit your unique skin more!

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The Best Body Scrubs For Your Skin Type
Scrubs Aishwarya Viswanath Scrubs Aishwarya Viswanath

The Best Body Scrubs For Your Skin Type

Finding the right body scrub for your skin type can be a fine art. But, that doesn’t mean it needs to be hard!

Each person has skin that fits into a broad category: “normal”, oily, dry, combination, and sensitive. You may have heard these terms used specifically for facial skin, but it applies to body skin as well.

And, just like how the face can have an oily T-zone, or patches of different kinds of skin, the body can as well. You might have dry legs and an oily back, for example. There is a lot of skin to work with, so it’s normal to have varying skin types all over!

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Body Scrubs 101: Exfoliate And Regenerate
Scrubs Aishwarya Viswanath Scrubs Aishwarya Viswanath

Body Scrubs 101: Exfoliate And Regenerate

From time to time, we all experience skin we just aren’t sure what to do with. Either it’s dry and tight, flaky or scaly, dull and sticky, bumpy and irritated, or even sun-damaged and peeling.

While you may need some specific treatments in each case, one thing you can add to every problem-solving skin routine is exfoliation. You can even pick up body exfoliation if you don’t have any skin problems because the benefits are more than skin-deep!

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The Five Types of Skin: How To Take Care Of Your Unique Skin
Skin Types Aishwarya Viswanath Skin Types Aishwarya Viswanath

The Five Types of Skin: How To Take Care Of Your Unique Skin

You’ve probably worked out which type of skin you have on your face by now, but have you ever wondered what type of skin you have on your body?

While it’s true that you might have the same skin all over, you might be surprised to discover that your body skin can be a different type than your face! What’s more, because there are so many different areas of the body, you might even have patterns of different skin types in various places!

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How To Get Naturally Glowing Skin: Diet Tips for Great Skin
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Get Naturally Glowing Skin: Diet Tips for Great Skin

Everyone desires to have naturally glowing skin, but very few realise that in order to get the best skin you have to maintain a consistent, natural skin care routine.

Skin care routine isn't always about the products you use, it is also about understanding the texture and the type of your skin and providing them with the most ideal materials for long-lasting results.

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How To Get Glowing Skin: Home Remedies for Skin Care
Home Remedies Aishwarya Viswanath Home Remedies Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Get Glowing Skin: Home Remedies for Skin Care

We all desire clear skin, having blemish free skin gives us a lot of confidence! Having naturally glowing, fresh, younger looking skin not only impacts us physically, but psychologically as well.

However, in order to get younger looking fresh skin, we need to adopt a few lifestyle changes along with a consistent skin care routine.

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How To Get Clear Skin- Ultimate Checklist For Your Skin
Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath Skincare guides Aishwarya Viswanath

How To Get Clear Skin- Ultimate Checklist For Your Skin

Searching for ways of having “clear skin” is among the most confusing things to do, as there are many websites on Google that offer different routines and skin care tips for having glowing, healthy skin, but not all of them are going to help you get better skin. If you don’t have tips from legitimate sources, you might do more harm than good for your skin.

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